drone specialist for research and development from Germany
If you need help in the development, construction or optimization of a drone, we are happy to assist you.

Read more: www.research-drone.com/en/extreme_climb_rate/world_record_drone.html

Lecture on the Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS)

Explanation of an P-Controller
Whether quadcopter, hexacopter Octocopter or other configurations eg. drones. We perform mainly through research and development tasks for specialized applications. For this we have extensive tools of mathematical / physical models that can be processed even complicated issues. Research drone to verify the results have come by default in the application. The necessary regulatory requirements such as the landowner's permission, etc. are of course met.
We have specialists in the following topics:
- drone development (specification, preliminary studies, competitive analysis, technical Analysis)
- drone mathematics / physical modeling
- drone controller optimization
- drone Sensors
- drone risk analysis
- drone optimization of flight behavior
- drone motor Development
- drone controller development (hardware, software)
If you (general or special issues) require an information session or workshop on drones, we offer experienced speakers.
So Dirk Brunner regularly lectures on the following topics:
- PID controller and optimization
- Maximum climb altitude of Copters
- altimetry by image analysis
- Certificate according § 21a Abs. 4 Satz 3 Nr. 2 LuftVO
- Other topics on request
We have an extensive network of experts and much experience in the field building drones, optimization and flight. Research in the area of drone performed also by us. Some of these projects are funded by different grants. Also we'll worry about.
Talk to us