Create a business plan, verified by experts
You want to create a business plan or need someone to control? Experts from us examine your business plan. At the beginning of a project or a company founding a solid business plan saves time and money.

We develop and test business plans. This we can on request rate by an independent jury. Get support from our professionals.
A realistic business plan helps to assess the opportunities and risks of a planned investment. It may be a small project as well as the founding of a startup company.
our successful business plans
first place at the "Münchener Business Plan Wettbewerb IDEAS Stage"third place at the "Münchener Business Plan Wettbewerb Development Stage"
first place at the "Münchener Business Plan Wettbewerb Excellence Stage" (15.000.- EUR trophy money)
Close to our heart is that the business plan is realistic to implement. Therein lies our strength.
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